Are You Unreasonable Enough?
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world, the unreasonable man persists in adapting the world to himself, therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man." George Bernard Shaw I love this quote. It challenges me to ask the question. Is life happening to...
“If the Bible were and iPhone”
We all know as leaders, to be consistent we must be intentional. Right! But, if the bible were an iPhone we would all be different people. We would read it about every 10 seconds, we would never put it down. We would ask it for advice, search for the answers to any...
Can Pain be Positive?
Every had a moment in your carrier or personal life where you have experience pain? Can some types of pain be positive? Whether it is self-imposed or external. Pain can be one of our teachers, if we let it. The next time you experience this, lean in to it. It could be...
Questions I ask during my daily journaling practice.
A few questions I ask myself each morning and try to answer. My goal is to live each day with intentionality. This only takes about 15 to 20 minutes per morning. I do this while enjoying my coffee. - How did I sleep? - What happened yesterday? - What were my biggest...
How I am staying focused while reading a book!
How I am staying focused while reading a book! I am a father of 12 and involved in three businesses. So, I am easily distracted. (BTW this is only my second video. So no judging.) I sat down with and my idea and got started. Let everyone know how you stay focused by...
Good Times Remembered!
About once a year I try to go through almost everything I own (or does it own me) and repurpose or share any of the things we no longer need or use. Today I found a photo of a leader that I enjoyed working for, and count as a friend. Scott Wagner and Roy Barberi at...
My Favorite Desktop Speakers
Over the years I have tried several types of desktop speakers and after much searching I have chosen the Bose Companion 20 Multimedia Speaker System. I have always been a fan of Bose Products. I also have the Bose SoundLink Mini Bluetooth Speaker II I use for outdoors...
I once dared to dream and look where it got me.
I once dared to dream and look where it got me. I am a husband to 1. I am a father to 12. I am a grandfather to 3. I am a father inlaw to 3. I am a worker with many. I am a leader of a few. I am a influencer for good. I am a person of opportunity. I am a person of...
My Birthday is today. So I share a blast from my past!
Today on my birthday I want to share a blast from my past. This is a song the band I was in recorded in a 16x16 sweatbox we practiced in. Affectionately called "The Barn". This is about 1994-95. We all have our passions. Remember to live yours. Enjoy or laugh! But it...
Are You Drinking From a Fire Hydrant?
If you are familiar with David Allen’s best-selling book, Getting Things Done; The Art of Stress-Free Productivity, you will know one of the key principles is getting things out of your head and into a trusted system. For me that was easy. I already had a trusted...